Airframe Kit Costs |
Pricing range of the various kits available from Mustang Aero |
Partial Kit Costs |
A listing of the partial kits and their options. |
M-II Deluxe
Kit Package |
A deluxe package deal that offers at least $900 in savings. |
Total Up And Flying Costs |
Price Range of what it will take to get a flying Mustang II. |

The Mustang II price list in Adobe PDF format. It is usually
updated every two months.
(prices are subject to change without notice) |
Parts Listing |
Mustang II parts list with pricing. 04/2021
(PDF) |
Picture List |
Mustang II parts list book with pictures. 04/2021
(PDF) |

Links to companies whose products we sell at discounted OEM pricing. |
A comparison of many popular homebuilts. The Mustang II has the
best speed for the dollar and yet is still one of the quickest
and easist to build. (Adobe PDF file) |

This new item is loaded with information on the Mustang II, including
hundreds of hi-res pictures of aircraft under construction and
finished planes. |
The mainstay of information on the Mustang II and Midget Mustang. |
Mustang II clothing and other merchandise. |