The Online Mustang Store


Information Package

Contains pictures, articles, newsletters, race results, the CAFE performance report, and of course all the specs, pricing, history, and other information on the Midget Mustang and Mustang II.  

With Shipping

Aircraft of Primary Interest

Mustang Video

History, design, construction, and kit coverage including interviews with builders and of course air to air footage.
This is now included on the Mustang Builders Reference USB Flash drives.

( If purchasing with another item select that option under shipping  below )

With Shipping

Mustang Builders Reference Database

Over 8GB of pictures, notes, videos, newsletters, and publications. There are thousands of pictures showing finished aircraft, construction, and system installations.

USB Flash Drive

click for more information   

  Bundled Mustang Info Package

Includes the 3 items listed above at a discount.
Printed information package and Builders Reference Flash Drive including Promotional Video.
This has information on all our aircraft but will have more articles on whichever aircraft you select below.

( If purchasing with another item select that option under shipping  below )

Database Version

"Speed With Economy"

By Kent Paser.
Written by an engineer, a detailed account of what Mr Paser did to his Mustang II to make it go over 240mph with his stock 160hp Lycoming.

This book is no longer available in print but is available in ebook format from the Aircraft Technical Book Company

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